

Neurofeedback for mental wellness

Explore our Neurofeedback for Mental Well-being Program – a revolutionary approach seamlessly integrating neuroscience and brain health into a holistic framework for mental well-being. Engage in our Clinical Neurotherapy Assessment, a detailed analysis that identifies biomarkers for concerns including ADHD, anxiety, and trauma. The resulting report details brainwave patterns and areas of concern, setting the stage for personalized neurofeedback sessions.

Dive into our Basic Neurofeedback Training Sessions for an affordable experience targeting such things as anxiety, depression, migraines, stress, chronic pain, post-covid symptoms, memory loss/cognitive decline, or general well-being.


Alternatively, opt for the more detailed QEEG Assessment/Brain Map and Report. This assessment provides a comprehensive view of brain activity, identifying areas of over- or under-activity related to cognitive impairment, autonomic nervous system dysfunction, and neurological conditions. The detailed report includes ‘brain maps,’ illustrating functioning and connectivity issues.

The Combined Neurofeedback and Psychotherapy Program offers an integrated approach, combining neurofeedback with trauma-informed therapy techniques for more complex mental health challenges.

Choose a path that resonates with your desire for mental well-being and enjoy the benefits of neuroscience for a more complete approach to mental and emotional well-being.


  • Basic Neurofeedback Training Sessions – ideal for individuals wanting to experience the benefits of neurofeedback at a reduced cost. This is great for children, youth and adults experiencing issues related to many mental health concerns including ADHD, anxiety, migraine, stress, disrupted sleep, or for anyone wanting to improve their general well-being. These 50 minute sessions are provided by our skilled technicians, and supervised and directed by Cara. – $90 / 50 minute session
  • Combined Neurofeedback/psychotherapy sessions provided by Cara Linzmayer, PhD, RSW – $225 / 60-75 minute session
  • ‘Counselling Only’ sessions provided at a reduced rate by Stephanie Gibson, Masters of Counselling Student – $100 / 50 minute session (children, youth, adults, family and couples)
  • Clinical Neurotherapy Assessment and Treatment Plan – $500 (Adults and children over 12)
  • QEEG Assessment/Brain Map and Report – $750 (including report and treatment plan)